We have various attachment to suit our range of plant equipment available for hire including:

Hydraulic hammers to fit machines from micro digger up to 21T swing shovel.

5 tine grab to fit mini diggers (ZX26 & 5-6T) and the 21T and 36T swing shovels.

Hydraulic plate compactor (500mm) to fit midi diggers (5-8T).

Flail topper attachment to fit ZX26 mini diggers.

Augers to fit ZX26 mini diggers as well as midi diggers (5-8T) (4″ to 14″ bits).

Patch planer for JCB 3CX wheeled digger.

Tree Shear to fit on 13T excavator. 

Man cage, extension forks, swivel hook, fly jib, hydraulic block grabdung grab and hydraulic brush bucket to fit telescopic handler.

Dung grab, bucket and pallets forks to fit JCB Robot and Bobcat skidsteer.

Plant trailers– available to hire when hiring plant.

Various buckets, such as gummy and riddling buckets and a ripper tooth.


For further details of specific attachments, availability and price call 01872 560180.